“Dear brother/sister,”
“Para el hadiz narrado por…”
“Up to now, according to what we have seen, if the group mentioned in the hadith are the former followers, in this case priority should be given to groups that kill more believers like Saddam Hussein and Hafiz Al Assad.”
“- According to an authentic narrated hadith, our Prophet (peace be upon him) said:”
“-Today it is evident for sensible believers that the groups that fight against Muslims and call themselves as such, are puppets established and supported by the United States and the West. In those groups there may be well-intentioned people, that is not in doubt. However, it is a clear fact like the sun that the vast majority of the so-called ummah (community) of Sevad-i Azam (the Great East) recognizes their mistakes. Therefore, the killings committed cannot and should not be forgiven or justified.”
“No se debe luchar contra civiles, mujeres, niños o aquellos que estén ocupados en la adoración, incluso si son enemigos no musulmanes. Este principio se encuentra presente en toda la historia del Islam, en las fuentes de la biografía del Profeta, la jurisprudencia, los hadices y la interpretación del Corán…”
“Greetings and prayers…” = “Saludos y oraciones…””Frequently Asked Questions about Islam” –> ”Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Islam”