“Mi trabajo incluye lo siguiente: soy ingeniero agrónomo y mi lugar de trabajo (TARSİM) es una colaboración entre el gobierno y organizaciones privadas (socios). Los agricultores nos aseguran sus productos a través de nuestros socios (TARSİM).””- My task is to remind farmers and partners not to forget to get insurance, for which I make visits and distribute promotional gifts provided by the company.””- During these visits, meals, tea, and various gifts are offered. Is the gift that I received (meal, tea, etc.) on behalf of my company considered bribery?””¿Puedes evaluarlo por separado?”-Can you tell us about your regret and how to avoid it if you get involved in bribes?
“Dear brother/sister,”
“Los agricultores deben asegurar sus productos. Es nuestra preferencia que lo hagan.”
“Es válido recordarles y enmendar su descuido en la contratación de seguros para disminuir los daños.”
“Companies can give gifts to their clients; this has nothing to do with bribes.”
“During your work, small attentions and gifts have nothing to do with bribes.”
“However, if while carrying out your duty, the gifts and presents offered to you incite you to do something wrong or act unfairly, then those gifts and presents become bribes.”
“Saludos y oraciones…” = “Greetings and prayers…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”