“Amr bin Şuayb transmitió de su padre de la siguiente manera: Cuando Haccac entró a la Kaaba, entré junto a Abdullah bin Ömer y él decía lo siguiente:”
“Ha sido narrado por Zührî de la siguiente manera:”
“According to what was narrated by Ka’b (may Allah be pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said the following:”
“Dear brother/sister,”
“The following observations have been made about Ravi Naim bin Hammad in relation to the results of the criticism and correction investigation:”
“El imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal reportó que Naim bin Hammad es una fuente confiable. Sin embargo, el imam Nesai informó que este narrador es débil. El imam Abu Dawud declaró que 20 hadices narrados por este narrador son falsos.”
“- Especially in stories related to wars and recent events, some storytellers have evaluated the time in which they found themselves and have added their own interpretations. Expressions like Zühri’s could be an example of this.”
“- This topic was expressed by Bediüzzaman Hazretleri with the following words:”
“Los temas mencionados en este tipo de informes no son sólo una vez, sino que pueden ser posibles. El hecho de que abarquen un amplio rango de tiempo ha llevado a incluir estos informes en la sección de hadices de significado ambiguo/parcialmente entendibles.”
“- There are established narrations by the Prophet (PBUH) for the Ansar.” “- Hay narraciones establecidas por el Profeta (PBUH) para los Ansar.”
“- However, yellow flags are generally a symbol of the blonde race in Europe/West. The black flag, on the other hand, can be a symbol of brown and black people, especially in Asia and Africa, who are outside the West.”
“- The struggle initiated by Christians representing the yellow race in the history of the Islamic world may represent part of these narratives.”
– This can be a sign of the dirty wars that it had to face, especially resulting in the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
“On page 160 of the book in question, which is indicated as 160 (in reality, 1/270), the narration mentions the battle that will take place on the bridge of the Egyptians and also talks about the title of n, who will come at the end of times, demonstrating how enigmatic these narrations are.”
“Saludos y oraciones…” se traduce como “Greetings and prayers…” en español.”Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Islam”