“Dear brother/sister,”
“- First, make sure to get a solid diagnosis of your medical condition and carefully follow the recommended treatment method.”
“Know that there is no sin that cannot be forgiven with sincere repentance. In the meantime, ask for forgiveness and make du’a for your mother, father, and other elders.”
“- Start praying your prayers on time and make up for the ones you haven’t prayed; pray many prayers after the prayers.”
“Por favor, tenga una cierta recitación que repita todos los días. Por ejemplo, diga cien veces al día, pensando en su significado. Esta es una bendita súplica enseñada por nuestro amado Profeta (la paz sea con él) para liberarse de las dificultades. También sería bueno si la recita cien veces al día.”
“- Read the surahs seven times without getting up from any place. In this way, Allah will protect you from the evil of the evildoers until the next Friday. Try to do this at other times as well.”
“-Every morning and every night, recite your prayer three times while reflecting on its meaning.”
“Nobody pays for the punishment of anyone’s sins: However, reading is a bad action. If the curse read is not deserved, it will fall on the head of the one who read it. Therefore, repent of the curses you have read, ask forgiveness from those who have thrown them at you and try not to read them again.”
“- Trust in Allah and pray as you wish from the depths of your heart…”
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