“- Before, if I missed prayer time, my heart would fill with pain and suffering, but now I continue praying and I don’t feel that sensation. What should I do?”
“Dear brother,”
“In the first place, we congratulate you on your sensitivity and fear of Allah for fulfilling your duties of worship. With your continued sensitivity and concern, we hope that you will return to your former state.”
“El cambio ocasional en la vida de una persona es el resultado de su estructura y la prueba en la que se encuentra, no de la debilidad de su fe. Esto se debe a que el ser humano no es un robot capaz de controlar sus emociones y pensamientos en una sola decisión. Al contrario, tiene innumerables emociones y pensamientos que lo llevan constantemente de un estado a otro.”
“Furthermore, there are difficulties and bustle in earthly life that distract from the spiritual atmosphere of acts of worship. Around the person, there are thousands of stimuli that constantly change their world and, most importantly, in today’s urban life and media, there are thousands of sins that attack them every second. These, of course, harm the spiritual environment of worship.”
“Under these conditions, it is understandable that from time to time one may lose their spiritual excitement and be overwhelmed by earthly concerns.”
“Aceptar esta verdad del ser humano también implica pensar que es una parte necesaria de la prueba en este mundo y no caer en la desesperación. Es temer a Dios y refugiarse en su misericordia”.
“Como has experimentado, siempre existe el peligro de resbalar y perder tu paz espiritual”.
“Con esta transformación que estás experimentando, el Creador Supremo te advierte sobre confiar en tu ego. Bediüzzaman Hazretleri, quien señala este peligro, dice (renueva tu fe).”
“Strengthen your faith in Allah by repenting and asking for forgiveness as often as the world around you changes.”
“What a person thinks and focuses on mentally, is also reflected in their emotional world. For example, those who constantly watch negative news or surround themselves with negative people, their inner world also becomes negative and they see the world and events with pessimism.”
“De manera similar, those who constantly pursue worldly goods and pleasures or make the world their main objective, also fill their inner world with the world and move away in the same measure from the spiritual. Now, the most important thing for that person becomes their world.”
“Leer obras de fe que fortalezcan tu espiritualidad todos los días, participar en conversaciones religiosas, compartir o escuchar a alguien hablar sobre ello, nutrirá tu espiritualidad. Recomendamos encarecidamente leer tafsir como Risale-i Nur para fortalecer aún más las verdades de la fe y los principios del Islam.”
“Para mantener una flor fresca, es necesario regarla todos los días con agua, sol y aire. De la misma manera, para mantener tus sentimientos espirituales fuertes, dedica cada día a la espiritualidad.”
“At the same time, as you have personally experienced before, it does not give the person pleasure and delight, but it gives them spiritual peace, nourishing and nurturing their heart.”
“However, to fully experience it, it is necessary.”
“Revisa tus hábitos diarios para no dañar tu corazón por descuido y para prevenirlo; establece límites en tus hábitos como ver televisión, escuchar música, ver películas y seguir las redes sociales. En su lugar, adopta hábitos que sean beneficiosos para tu espíritu.”
“Hello and prayers…” = “Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”