“Dear brother/sister,”
“An aesthete has said:”
“According to our belief, every devout person should be able to say the following:”
“En este sentido, sin profundizar demasiado en la filosofía, consideramos beneficioso mostrar algunas estrategias en forma de varias cláusulas:”
“- First of all, it is necessary to make a good diagnosis. Is it really a problem that arises from our mind and our brain? Or are they just passing thoughts and imaginations? As it is known, an internally imagined blasphemy without being expressed in words is not the same as a real blasphemy, just as the imagination of a blasphemy is not blasphemy. Just like a snake inside a glass jar cannot bite us, the snake of blasphemy and perversion that appears in our mind cannot harm us.”
“- If we decide that this perverse idea is not just a fantasy, but a real illness, then we must find its origin in order to treat it properly.”
– It can be said that ignorance is the source of such doubts and depraved thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with it. As for faith and the elimination of such doubts, in our era, thousands of scholars confirm that it is the main source, when reading it.
“Es un gran error no acudir a un sabio-doctor debido a la enfermedad de desviación / perversión creada por las corrientes filosóficas positivistas y materialistas que intentan destruir la vida eterna de la persona de esta era que cree necesario ir al médico debido a un resfriado. Este sabio-doctor puede ser un libro o una persona en quien confiamos en su sabiduría.”
– While seeking the relevant spiritual doctors, it is also necessary to implore God to free us from these doubts. God, in order to measure the sincerity of people in any matter, tests their persistence and seriousness in that topic. Therefore, we should not say “it’s done” and we must not rush.
“- If this deviation is not related to faith but to sins, then the cure is to strengthen faith and know that the result of a minute of forbidden pleasure in this world can be years of regret in the conscience, remembering frequently the reality of death, the temporality of the world and the judgment in the hereafter. Changing a bad environment for a good one, repenting and asking Allah for forgiveness, especially fulfilling the five daily prayers, can be considered as a crossing that takes us from error to what is right.”
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“Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”