“Dear brother/sister,”
“Islam also regulates the relationship between a child and their stepmother within the family. This is because in the time before the arrival of Islam, the rights of stepmothers were not protected. In a form of marriage called ‘yib’, the son could marry the wife of his deceased father, that is, his stepmother. In this way, he could also inherit his father’s property through this woman. Additionally, if he did not want to marry her, he could prevent this woman from marrying someone else. Almighty Allah abolished this bad practice with the following verse:”
“No se debe casar con mujeres que hayan sido casadas por sus padres durante la época de la ignorancia. Esto es indecente, desagradable y un mal camino.” (Nisâ, 4/22).
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”MAMÁ CUIDADOSA…” se traduce como ”CAREFUL MOTHER…” en inglés.
“Hello and prayers …””Preguntas sobre el Islam”