“Dear brother/sister,”
“Dios ha guiado al ser humano por dos caminos, el de la guía y el de la desviación.”
“Las personas no pueden ser creyentes a menos que utilicen su propia voluntad, ya que Dios no impone la fe en el corazón de nadie a la fuerza. La fe que Dios otorga al ser humano depende del esfuerzo que él mismo ponga en ello.” “Las personas deben ejercer su propia voluntad para ser creyentes, ya que Dios no impone la fe en el corazón de nadie a la fuerza. La fe que Dios otorga al ser humano depende del esfuerzo que él mismo ponga en ello.”
“Nitekim, el Imán Sadeddin Teftazani, la fe,” significa “De hecho, el Imán Sadeddin Teftazani, la fe,”.
Este producto contiene (1) unidad.
“Ha indicado esta verdad al describirla”
“Similar to faith, disbelief is also like this. If the servant uses their free will to follow the path of disbelief and error, and makes it clear through their actions and behavior, then the Most High God will not grant them the light of faith and will leave them on the path of disbelief that they are moving forward on.”
“Here, the reasons for the lack of faith of the wives and son of Prophet Noah (as), the wife of Prophet Lot (as), and the uncle of Prophet (saws), Abu Talib, should be evaluated in light of this information. They persisted in their obstinacy and closed their ears to the invitations of the prophets. As a result, they deprived themselves of the blessing of faith.”
“Por lo tanto, the true salvation and happiness of a person depends on their own will to follow the path of guidance by using it correctly. Otherwise, even if they were a descendant of a prophet, it would be of no use to them.””Por lo tanto, la verdadera salvación y felicidad de una persona depende de su propia voluntad de seguir el camino de la guía al utilizarla correctamente. De lo contrario, incluso si fuera descendiente de un profeta, no le serviría de nada.”
“Hz. Nuh (a.s.) knew that his only duty was to convey the message. The outcome belonged to Allah. Therefore, with the love of a father and a prophet, he did not stop inviting his son Kenan to faith and truth until the very last moment. Perhaps in that last moment, he said the following with the hope that he would accept the faith:”
“However, despite all the warnings, Kenan persisted in his stubbornness. He didn’t listen to his father. He thought he could save himself on his own. He said the following:”
“Hz. Nuh (as), no podía aceptar la muerte de su hijo como un incrédulo. Sus últimas palabras a su hijo fueron las siguientes:”
“Este producto contiene (2) unidades.”
“Hz. Nuh (as) no pudo completar sus palabras cuando una gran ola se interpuso entre él y su hijo, Kenan, y lo arrastró consigo. Así, debido a su ego y siguiendo a Satanás, recibió su castigo por su obstinación y falta de fe también en este mundo.”
“Greetings and prayers…” “Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”