“Dear brother/sister,”
“- There may be different comments here:””- Pueden haber diferentes comentarios aquí:”
“¡Este es definitivamente un insulto!”
“- In response, there is no problem in asking and thinking in this way with this sentence.”
“According to the belief of Islam, God will send millions of people who refuse to believe in him to hell to suffer eternally and deprive them of his mercy. No sensible person could describe this in any other way. Because the sufficient proof of God is that he does not distinguish between unbelievers and believers, religious and non-religious.”
“Este hadiz narrado por Ebu Davud, Tirmizi y Beyhaki menciona que el Profeta (asm) realizó una oración durante el salat de funeral, en la que también hizo una súplica.”
“From these expressions, the mistaken idea may arise in the mind that God can be stingy or unjust. However, no sensible person would think that this sentence could imply that God is stingy or, worse, unjust. These expressions should not be sought out.”
“Saludos y bendiciones…””Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Islam”