“Dear brother/sister,”
Uno de los temas discutidos en este punto es el género. De hecho, en el Corán se menciona que solo los hombres han sido designados como profetas.
“Due to their nature, it is not possible for women, whose strength is weaker compared to men, to fulfill the difficult prophetic duty that requires constant struggle. In addition, their condition as women is also an obstacle to being an example in religious practices.”
“Ibn Hazm, Kurtubî and the majority of scholars from the Eshari school, including primarily Abu’l-Hasan al-Ash’ari, have accepted that some women, like prophets, have been chosen due to the distinction between prophet and messenger. According to them, a prophet is someone to whom God reveals without entrusting them with a mission of divulging. In the Quran, it is mentioned that God revealed to the mothers of Moses and Jesus, and that He exalted Mary above all the women in the world. Additionally, scholars agree that God has not sent women as messengers.”
“Greetings and prayers…” podría traducirse como: “Saludos y oraciones…””Questions about Islam” –> “Preguntas sobre el Islam”