– Bize Allah’ı hatırlatan kişiye mümin mi yoksa veli mi diyeceğiz?- Konuyla ilgili hadis var mıdır?
“Dear brother or sister,”
“Este tema contiene diversas narraciones de hadices. Algunas de ellas son las siguientes:”
“Suyuti ha indicado que este hadiz transmitido por Ibn Abbas es auténtico.”
“Este hadiz, narrado por Ibn Ebî’d-dünya de Hasan-ı Basrî, es un hadiz mursal.”
“The most important task for people is to know Allah, worship Him, love Him and respect Him. These things can be fulfilled frequently.”
“Things that serve as a reminder are good things. Therefore, good human beings are the best.”
“Remember the faith in unity, its greatness and excellence, its beauty and spiritual perfection, the book of Allah and its commandments and prohibitions.”
“According to this, those who remember God through their words and expressions, actions and behaviors, and obey orders and prohibitions, are truly very important people.”
“En los hadices, se hace hincapié en la importancia de demostrar sumisión a Allah a través de palabras y acciones. Una persona que tenga estas cualidades, sin duda es uno de los siervos amados de Allah.”
“Salutations and prayers…””Questions about Islam” se traduce como ”Preguntas sobre el Islam” en español.