“Dear brother/sister,”
“Actually, the presence or absence of words in the Meccan suras is not relevant for atheists. This is because it is not a proof that the Qur’an is truly the word of God.”
“El intentar vincular la identidad celestial del Corán, cuyos milagros han sido probados en cuarenta aspectos en Risale-i Nur, con la palabra ‘kelime’ es una manifestación de la obsesión psicológica causada por la irreligiosidad.” “Attempting to link the celestial identity of the Quran, whose miracles have been proven in forty aspects in Risale-i Nur, with the word ‘kelime’ is a manifestation of the psychological obsession caused by irreligiosity.”
“Farzımuhal; if the term of the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) prophecy is related to the word ‘peygamberlik’ and is also mentioned in the suras revealed in Medina, this still proves his prophecy. Those who accept the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Medina must also accept his prophecy in Mecca. Otherwise, it will be inevitable for them to seek the help of a related doctor.”
“However, the following verse that we mention below was revealed in Mecca and it orders that obedience means the same thing.”
“Esta etiqueta enfatiza la importancia de obedecer a Hz. Muhammed (asm) en todo, de la A a la Z.” = “This label emphasizes the importance of obeying Hz. Muhammed (asm) in everything, from A to Z.”
“Obliga a seguir todas las palabras del Profeta Muhammad (Paz y bendiciones sean con él), que incluyen sus mandamientos y prohibiciones, y todas las acciones que realizó o no realizó.”
“Con saludos y oraciones…” = “With greetings and prayers…””Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Islam”