“Dear brother,”
“Esta obra es la traducción de la obra titulada ‘Ibn Kesir’.”
“- However, this hadith has also been narrated by Ibn Kesir in another work. However, Ibn Kesir has reported that this hadith is from the Salaf and it is very likely that it is a quote from some of the Salaf, and that the narrator has erroneously attributed it to the Prophet Muhammad.”
– Mentioned by Ebu Nuaym in his work called bu hadisi (2/242), but he has not made any comment about it.
“- Nasıruddin Elbani has stated that this narration is false/fabricated.””- Nasıruddin Elbani ha afirmado que esta narración es falsa/fabricada.”
“After the words of Ibn Kesir and Elbani, we believe that no further commentary is needed on this narration.”
“- Además, una información similar ha sido transmitida por Vehb, de origen de la Gente del Libro. Esto también está claro que es una narración de origen israelí. Estas afirmaciones tampoco son del paraíso.”
“- In addition, relevant narratives related to the dimension of God’s infinite blessings in paradise have been included, as mentioned in verse 26 of Sura Yunus. Authentic hadiths have also been mentioned that speak about God’s command in that manner.”
“However, instead of expressing the statements of the question, information about the supreme God has been included.”
“Saludos y oraciones…” significa “Greetings and prayers…” en inglés. En español, se traduciría como “Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”