“Dear brother/sister,”
– In Islam, as a principle
“However, it is expected that by the infinite mercy of Allah, the prayer of some pious individuals in congregation will also be accepted by that of others.”
“- Indeed, in a weak hadith the following expressions are mentioned:”
“- Another version says the following:” “- Otra versión dice lo siguiente:”
“En estas dos líneas se hace referencia a la importancia de estar en compañía de la comunidad musulmana y se menciona que por respeto a ellos, se perdonará a aquellos que no merecen ser perdonados.”
“- All believers who are in the community benefit from the grace and virtue of the congregation. By respecting the servants who are accepted by God in the same congregation, they are not far from God’s mercy so that other individuals may attain God’s satisfaction. When God’s grace forgives its servants who gather for their well-being, all believers present at that moment also become participants in that forgiveness.”
“Saludos y oraciones…” significa “Greetings and prayers…” en inglés. En español, se puede traducir como “Saludos y plegarias…” o “Saludos y rezos…”.”Preguntas sobre el Islam”