“Dear brother/sister,”
“All of us were born in difficult times and we are going through difficult times.”
“Frecuencia Hz. Let’s look at our parents Adam and Eve. They have spoken directly with God, they have fallen into neglect and have committed sins, and they have been sent to the world to be tested. Despite knowing this, some of their children have not believed; imagine the suffering they have endured!”
“Let’s start by looking at all the messengers, prophets, and even the saints, especially Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Some of his parents, children, siblings, wives, family members, and friends have not even believed.”
“Let’s look at our ancestors, like the brilliant and exemplary people of Islam, for example, during the time of Sultan Kanuni Süleyman. Did they have concerns beyond their desires and goals?”
“Conditions may change, but God’s law never changes. It will remain so until Judgment Day. As the Almighty said:”
“Todo lo que buscamos, nuestro Señor lo ha respondido en su libro sagrado. Buscaremos consuelo y paz en Él. Nos refugiaremos en Él. Siendo conscientes de que estamos siendo probados y que esta prueba puede ser con nuestra salud, nuestras almas, nuestras posesiones, tanto materiales como espirituales, nos esforzaremos por cumplir con los deberes de adoración que Él nos ha encomendado, manteniendo el equilibrio entre lo lícito y lo ilícito, y confiando en Él después de haber agotado todos los medios. Sin adorar a nadie más que a Él, pediremos su ayuda.”
“Let’s be patient and grateful for what happens to us.”
“¡No perderemos nuestra esperanza! Porque así se ha dicho:”
“Con saludos y oraciones…” significa “Con saludos y plegarias…” en español.”Preguntas sobre el Islam”