“Dear brother/sister,”
“No sería apropiado dar una respuesta definitiva sobre este tema”, ya que puede haber muchas razones detrás de ello. Es aceptable que los padres aconsejen a su hijo sobre su posible pareja para el matrimonio. Sin embargo, según la escuela Hanafi, un adolescente no está obligado a seguir el consejo de sus padres.
“Reason is important in the matter of separation. The judgment varies according to the reason for the separation. Love is blind. A person in love may not be able to clearly distinguish between right and wrong. Parents or loved ones may have tried to separate for the good of both parties.”
“Without a legitimate or valid reason, separating due to discord, for mere personal satisfaction and with the hope of causing harm is certainly wrong and carries responsibility.”
“Haz clic para obtener más información:”
“- How does our religion view flirting relationships? Is falling in love allowed?””¿Is it permissible to love someone more than Allah? How does Allah react to the love experienced by Leyla and Mecnun? Is it not Allah who puts this deep love in people’s hearts?”
“¡Hola y bendiciones…!””Preguntas sobre el Islam”