“- ¿Es verdad que al decir ‘En el nombre de Dios, confío en Dios, no hay poder ni fuerza excepto en Dios’, uno se aleja del diablo?”- ¿Does this hadith exist?
“Dear brother,”
“The relevant hadith is the following:” “El hadiz relevante es el siguiente:”
“Whoever says it when leaving home, protects themselves from dangers and the devil stays away from them.”
“(by an angel),”
“En el relato de Ebu Davud, se añade lo siguiente:”
“Tirmizi dijo esto en relación a la autenticidad de este hadiz.”
“According to this sacred hadith, it is understood that when a person leaves their house, their workplace or any other place, if they recite this prayer and act according to it, with the help of God, demons will stop having hopes of harming that person and will leave them in peace.”
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