Dear brother/sister,
– As mentioned in the question, if these verbal enchantments have any effect, they will also affect the other person’s life. Therefore, it is necessary not to resort to this type of thing.
“However, the person can resort to such amulet.”
“- However, it is also impossible to claim that these names have a particular effect. In addition, it cannot be said that the effect of an amulet that has been effective for some is valid for everyone.” “- Sin embargo, también es imposible afirmar que estos nombres tengan un efecto en particular. Además, no se puede decir que el efecto de un amuleto que ha sido eficaz para algunos sea válido para todos.”
“De acuerdo a nuestra opinión,”
“We have the right to wish for someone we love to love us in return. However, there is no problem in making this request in a sacred way, without any prayers coming between us.”
“Furthermore, as mentioned in the verse, humans cannot know what is good or bad for themselves. In the things we desire there may be evil, and in the things we don’t like there may be goodness and beauty.”
“For this reason,”
“Saludos y oraciones con…” = “Greetings and prayers with…”‘Questions about Islam’ traducido al español es ‘Preguntas sobre el Islam’.