“Dear brother/sister,”
“No hay una base sólida en esta teoría, ¿qué planeas refutar? Todo está podrido. No somos nosotros quienes lo decimos, ellos mismos lo expresan.”
This theory was proposed in 1976. It is not the current opinion. It was presented forty years ago by the atheist biologist Dawkins.
“Now see how evolutionists who do not accept a creator describe the selfish gene theory as follows:”
“Esto es cómo describen las teorías egoístas de los genes.”
“Warning: The invalidity of Darwin’s theory focused on species, which has been defended for 150 years, has been noticed. Therefore, they are promoting the selfish gene theory. This is their own admission of the invalidity of Darwin’s theory.”
“According to their advanced theory, this also includes human beings.”
“- Peki, ¿cuál es el origen de estos genes?””- The genetic foundation, constitutes.””- Peki, ¿estos átomos son…?” “- Peki, are these atoms…?””- No.” = “- No.””- No.”- No.”- Vacío.”- No.
“However, all things made are the work of knowledge, will, and power.”
“The person who wrote this without seeing their hand thought that the pen was writing. And the person who couldn’t see the human being thought that the hand was holding the pen.”
“Para estos, proporcionan lo que ha sucedido.” “Para estos, proveen lo que ha ocurrido.”
“Since this theory was proposed, it has not received any support and has been relegated to dusty shelves.”
“¿Por qué no había fans?”
“Because Darwinist evolutionists claimed that over time, the genetic structure of living beings changes and produces other forms of life. However, this theory stated that genes are selfish, that they never change and that they remain firmly protected in their structure. For this reason, it was not well received among evolutionists.”
“However, now they supposedly add a series of nonsense again as if it were something new and present it as science.” “Pero ahora, supuestamente, agregan una serie de tonterías nuevamente como si fuera algo nuevo y lo presentan como ciencia.”
“Porque no hay verdad en esto,”
“Saludos y oraciones…””Questions about Islam” traducido al español sería “Preguntas sobre el Islam”.