“Dear brother,”
“- This has also been reported by Abdurrazzak in the same document.””- Esto también ha sido informado por Abdurrazzak en el mismo documento.”
“- First, we must mention that the narration of the hadith is limited. Because it has been reported that: . Here, the identity of the person is unknown, and this chain of narration does not reach Prophet Muhammad. Only”
“However, here it is”
“- According to the transmission of Zeyd b. Sabit from Ebu Davud, our Prophet (PBUH) said: “‘
“Uno de los seis o siete individuos que recibieron hadices del gran erudito de hadices, Şube.” Uno de los seis o siete individuos que recibieron hadices del gran erudito de hadices, Şube.
“Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el islam”