“- Our Prophet said:” —> “- Nuestro Profeta dijo:””El que case a su hija con un hombre inmoral, recibirá mil maldiciones por día, sus adoraciones y oraciones no serán aceptadas, ni sus deberes religiosos ni sus acciones voluntarias serán aceptadas.” (Comentario sobre la Ley)”Tengo dos preguntas:”1. ¿Is the source of this hadith correct? Is there a hadith here? If so, is it authentic?”¿Is a person who gives their daughter to an unfaithful person or marries an unfaithful person also considered unfaithful?”
“Dear brother/sister,”
“According to the clear statement of the verse, it is not allowed for a Muslim woman to marry a polytheist or any other disbeliever.”
“La palabra ‘sözcüğü’ ha sido usada en el versículo en el que daré tu comida.”
“As it can be understood from these verses, if not, the woman who gets married and the guardian who marries her also commit a great sin. As long as this sin continues, they will continue to be sinners.”
“However, like with any sin, this sin is not considered blasphemy, those who commit it will not abandon their faith or become unbelievers.”
“Este hadiz mencionado no es auténtico, no tiene una cadena de transmisión en la fuente relevante.”
“Additionally, reference is also made here to the work titled ‘Ihya’ by Imam Gazali. However, the expression in ‘Ihya’ is as follows:”
“Furthermore, this hadith has been accepted as an authentic narration.” “Además, este hadiz ha sido aceptado como una narración auténtica.”
“Beyhaki, as it is in its form in İhya, narrated this hadith. That is to say, there is no word like ‘daveya’ here.”
“Ibn Adî has reported that this narration is true.”
“Greetings and prayers…” = “Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”