“Dear brother/sister,”
“- The name that a person constantly mentions”
“For example, a qualified person in this field.”
“Área, constante” se traduce como “Area, constante” en español.
“- Whoever mentions the names of Allah is, above all, a serious believer. Whoever recites the beautiful names of Allah constantly strengthens their faith and also performs good deeds. It is known that after faith, good deeds will also be an intercessor in the grave.”
“- ¿Qué significan los hermosos nombres de Allah?”
“En el Corán, directamente de Dios”
“Furthermore, the meaning of these two names does not imply anything dangerous or harmful.”
“- On the internet, much of the information that circulates is not completely true. For example, the name of God.”
“Si tú”
“Es muy inadecuado hacer un juicio sin considerar los grandes peligros como la desilusión o la duda que podrían alejar a las personas de su fe.”
– Además,
– The sacred names and a specific number of them have been accepted as a method by the wise and holy since ancient times. However,
“Es importante saber que mencionar un nombre que se ajuste a nuestro deseo como un intercesor es crucial. Para el perdón de los pecados.”
“No hay una cantidad específica de veces para repetir cualquier nombre o todos los nombres de Esma-i hüsna.”
“However, as mentioned earlier, experts in this field often state that it is more appropriate to repeat each name according to its numerical value in the alphabet (if its mathematical value is very high, then with one of its lower multiples).”
– Mr. Bediüzzaman, paying attention to the correspondence with numerological values, also does so in many mentions.
‘Así que, si el número de veces que se menciona el valor numérico de un nombre es alto,’
“Saludos y oraciones…” significa “Greetings and prayers…” en español.”Preguntas sobre el Islam”