“Dear brother/sister,”
“Las oraciones sunna después de las oraciones obligatorias pueden realizarse sin cambiar de lugar y pueden realizarse en la misma ubicación que la congregación. Sin embargo, es preferible dar un paso hacia adelante o hacia atrás, o moverse un poco hacia la derecha o izquierda para realizarlas. (CelalYıldırım, Fiqh del Islam con sus fuentes, Uysal Kitabevi: 1/390).”
“After the obligatory prayers of noon, afternoon, and night, it is a sunnah (recommended act) to change places and pray the sunnah prayers in another location. This way, we are bearing witness in another place that we have performed the prayer.”
En this context, it would be good for an imam who performs the obligatory night prayer to also perform the recommended night prayer in the same place or in another place. However, there is no inconvenience in performing it in the same place.
“When it comes to the morning and evening prayers, it is sunnah (recommended) to pray and recite the tasbih without changing places. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) advised us that it is highly rewarded to pray and make du’a after the prayer without interruption.”
“Saludos y oraciones…””Questions about Islam” = “Preguntas sobre el Islam”
“Dios esté contento contigo… tus respuestas son excelentes, que Dios siempre te conceda la sinceridad en tus acciones… con saludos y oraciones…”
“May God be pleased”