“Dear brother/sister,”
1. According to the Hanbali and Shafi’i schools, the way of tying the hands is as follows: the right hand is placed over the wrist of the left hand, or near it.”According to the Hanafis, the inner part of the right hand is placed on top of the left hand. In this position, a ring is formed with the thumb and pinky over the wrist.””When it comes to women, they put both hands on their chest without forming a circle. This is because this position is harmonious with the veil of women.””Cuando se trata de mujeres, colocan ambas manos en su pecho sin formar un círculo. Esto se debe a que esta posición es armoniosa con el velo de las mujeres.”
“Lo que se entiende por esto es la Sunnah del Profeta Muhammad (que la paz y las bendiciones sean con él).”
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