“¿Existen algunas personas que dicen: ‘¿Allah me está mirando?’ ¿Es esta frase problemática? ¿Puede afectar la fe?”
“Dear brother/sister,”
“La persona que dice estas palabras pretende poder cometer sus pecados con facilidad, no detenerse en su rebelión y no renunciar a lo prohibido”.
“Therefore, it is a problematic statement.”
“Es una verdad que Dios nos ve constantemente y nos seguirá viendo. Ninguno de nosotros puede escapar de la vista y el cuidado de Dios.”
“Porque es uno de los nombres de Alá, que significa que Alá no puede permanecer oculto; también es uno de sus nombres, lo que significa que Él está libre de sueño y distracción.”
“Because He is the one who creates everything we can imagine and what we cannot imagine, what we see and what we do not see, what we know and what we do not know, the world, the hereafter, humans and angels, out of nothing.”
“Dios es el que da la vista y el sentido de la visión a todos los seres, incluyendo a los humanos, animales, ángeles y genios. Aunque la visión de estos seres es limitada y temporal, para Dios esto no es posible ni puede serlo.”
“Alá sees all of our actions, sees our good actions and our bad actions, the moment we worship and the moment we fall into sin…” “Alá ve todas nuestras acciones, ve nuestras buenas acciones y nuestras malas acciones, el momento en que adoramos y el momento en que caemos en pecado…”
“El Corán dice al expresar esta verdad:”
“God says the following:”
“Those who exceed their limits, who cross boundaries, who do not respect limits, none of them can escape from Allah, nor can they hide from Him. As mentioned in this verse, it is necessary to live a righteous life.”
“During the time of Musa, peace be upon him, he was known as a being who invited people to God, to the right path and to the true religion, and in the end he used to say:”
“No human being can see God, because there is no such characteristic in human eyes and God has not granted any human being such possibility. As mentioned in the Quran:”
“Dios es el que ve y vigila, en todo momento nos observa y cuida de nosotros.”
“Thank God, He sees and takes care of us. The fact that God sees us and takes care of us is a blessing and a grace for us. Because He knows all our circumstances and needs, He sees them and provides for us.”
“Si la visión de Allah no se manifestara por un momento, no quedaría nada en la tierra ni en el cielo, todo se desvanecería.”
“Furthermore, if it weren’t for its ability to see, what would we be? We wouldn’t be able to see anything, we wouldn’t be able to perceive, understand or comprehend anything.”
“God is the Creator. He sees what the eye sees, sees what the eye sees and also sees what the eye will see, and He gives man the eye in that way.”
“Due to the fact that the names of Allah are eternal, there is no beginning or end to His vision. He sees everything that exists in the universe and is constantly watching and monitoring it.”
“Thanks to your vision and care, life continues, the world stands and this established order works.” “Es gracias a tu visión y cuidado que la vida continúa, el mundo se mantiene firme y este orden establecido funciona.”
“Those who are defeated by their ego, desires and emotions, suffer great spiritual losses and deprivations.” “Las personas que son derrotadas por su ego, deseos y emociones, sufren grandes pérdidas espirituales y privaciones.”
“La visión de Dios debe acercarnos aún más a Él, nuestra creencia en estar siempre bajo Su supervisión debe alejarnos de los pecados y protegernos de caer en las trampas de Satanás.”
“Because if a person lets themselves be carried away by their ego and is about to fall into sin, if they think that Allah is watching them and believe it with all their heart and soul, they will not easily fall into sin, they will not endanger their faith, and they will not be a toy in the hands of their ego and the devil.”
“Además, no se dejará influir por este tipo de errores que se escuchan en todas partes y continuará su vida en el camino correcto. De esta manera, vivirá su vida con una fe sólida y entrará preparado en la vida eterna.”
“Thus, we must stay away from words that harm our faith, and if we have said them consciously or unconsciously, we must repent immediately and never bring them to our heart, mind or tongue again.”
“Saludos y plegarias…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”