“Dear brother/sister,”
“The sacred books are formed by the revelations that Allah sent to His prophets. As mentioned in the verses (Nahl, 16/32; Fatır, 35/25), to every community a prophet and a warner were sent, and with them books were revealed (Bakara, 2/213), so it can be said that numerous books have been revealed. However, they are not mentioned individually in the Qur’an. The only ones mentioned are the scriptures revealed to the prophets Abraham (a.s) and Moses (a.s), along with the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel, and the Qur’an.”
“Si la fiabilidad de un hadiz es dudosa, se dice que un total de cien páginas fueron reveladas, cincuenta de las cuales fueron para Sit (a.s), treinta para Idris (a.s), diez para Ibrahim (a.s) y otras diez para Musa (a.s) [se dice que también fueron reveladas para Adem (a.s)], según lo mencionado por Abu Zer de Ibn Abi’d-Dünya.”
“Este kit contiene las sagradas escrituras de la Torá de Moisés (a.s), los Salmos de David (a.s), el Evangelio de Jesús (a.s) y el Corán de Mahoma (s.a.s).”
“Enciclopedia Islámica de Şamil”
“Saludos y plegarias…””Questions about Islam” –> “Preguntas sobre el Islam”