“Dear brother,”
“Firstly, it is important to note that,”
“Sin embargo, if a person makes a momentary mistake and commits this prohibited act, as long as they do not deny its prohibited nature, they remain a Muslim and do not leave the religion or become an unbeliever. Therefore, they are obligated to fulfill their religious duties.”
“However, when one is intoxicated and their consciousness is affected, the prayer made in this state is not valid. Allah the Most High has commanded it.”
“Indudablemente, la oración y la adoración son una cuestión de conciencia y comprensión. Es por eso que en todas las formas de adoración, además de ser musulmán y alcanzar la edad adulta, se requiere tener discernimiento. Para que las adoraciones sean aceptables, deben ser realizadas con la intención y la sinceridad de adorar. Por lo tanto, aquel que vaya a rezar, ayunar y hacer du’a debe estar lo suficientemente consciente y en su sano juicio para saber lo que está diciendo y haciendo.”
“Even though drinking alcohol is a sin, if a person who drinks is not so drunk as to not know what they are saying, that is, if they have enough consciousness to know what they are doing and what they are reading, they must pray their prayers. For this, there is no established specific time.”
“Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”