Hocam ezan okunduktan beş-on dk sonra kişi ölürse veya hayız olursa, o vaktin namazı üzerine kaza (borç) olur mu?
“Dear brother/sister,”
“According to this fatwa, the correct opinion is also this one.”
“If a woman has her period or gives birth during prayer time, she is not obligated to perform the prayer at that moment, regardless of whether she stays long enough to perform it or not.”
“If a woman starts the prayer with the takbir towards the end of the time, and she sees blood during the prayer, she must stop praying and does not have to make up for that prayer at another time.”
“Due to the law eliminating mandatory prayer times, not voluntary ones. Therefore, if you see blood while performing a mandatory prayer, it is not necessary to repeat it later, but if you see blood while performing a voluntary prayer, you will have to repeat it later.”
“Si alguien muere antes de realizar la oración en su tiempo, Allah sabe lo que hay en su corazón. Será tratado de acuerdo a eso.”
“Saludos y oraciones…””Preguntas sobre el Islam”