“¿Las hojas entregadas a nosotros después de pasar por procesos patológicos y citológicos, son consideradas impuras o limpias según la ley religiosa?”- Is it necessary to wash our hands after touching this? – ¿Es necesario lavarnos las manos después de tocar esto?”- Because the processed materials can be woven, blood, pus, urine, or materials with blood.”
“Dear brother/sister,”
“First, let’s provide general information:”
Sin embargo, the blood or pus found in some place
“Colored slides that are delivered after going through pathological and cytological processes.”
“Additionally, as tissue samples up to 4 microns (4/1000 mm) in size were examined, even if they are touched directly, they do not become impure in the place where they are touched.”
“Drinking alcohol-based substances produced for cleaning purposes is prohibited. However, their use for cleaning purposes is allowed and not considered haram. It is not necessary to wash the parts of the body that have been in contact with these products before performing prayer. Prayers performed in this way are valid.”
“Greetings and prayers…” = “Saludos y oraciones…””Sobre el Islam con preguntas”